Paranormal Investigator In Training



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Reptilians, also referred to as as Lizard People or Reptoids; are a type of lizard-like humanoid that is prominently referenced in speculative theory. Many sources report that Reptilians live in highly advanced underground bases on Earth, and have infiltrated human society through direct control of the world governments and royalty. It is believed that most people in power are part of a Reptilian bloodline, or are disguised Reptilians and are actively taking part in their plots against humankind. In common theory it is stated that Reptilians are motivated by world domination to either enslave or consume the human race.


Some also claim that other alien species such as the Greys, Bellatricians, Saurians and the Anunnaki are also either a type of, or descended from; Reptilians


Prominent Encounters/Theory:


David Icke (1999)

Previously a footballer and then broadcaster for BBC; Is the most widely known source behind the Reptilian theory. He claims that an inter-dimensional race of reptilians called the Archons began taking over the earth 200,000-300,000 years ago, and have given birth to a hybrid species of shapeshifting, genetically modified human/archon descendants. He states that these hybrids make up the Illuminati, or the Babylonian Brotherhood. According to Icke, the Archons are the same beings as the Anunnaki, Deities from an ancient Babylonian creation story. As well as Watchers, a type of biblical angel. These hybrids are often referred to as the ‘Reptilian Elite’ and are thought to be controlling global governments and the media in hopes to dominate and create a ‘New World Order’.



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