Paranormal Investigator In Training



The concept of life on other planets dates as far back as ancient Greece. Epicurus proposed that the processes that created our world likely have created other worlds elsewhere - with their own plants and animals similar to, but unlike, Earth. This theory was opposed even then, as many believed that Earth was not only the center of the universe, but the only planet in existence.

Intelligent life and it's speculation doesn't stop at faraway planets in other galaxies. In fact, some believe it hits much closer to home. UFO terminology and cultural impact were largely popularized in the United States in the 1940s, but reports and stories of unexplained aerial phenomena have been ingrained in human history since over 1000BC.

Today, the question of UFOs is massively contentious; either completely discredited and ridiculed by the media and scientific circles, or sensationalized and fabricated for entertainment. Level-headed reporting is usually ignored in favour of clickbait. In today's age of disclosure and official statements from whistleblowers and law enforcement, it's important to approach everything with a critical mind and do your own research.


Mutual UFO Network Founded in 1969, non-profit orginization dedicated to UFO sightings worldwide. MUFON
The Black Vault Archive of declassified documents and reports from FBI investigations on unexplained phenomena, obtained through the FOIA act. THE BLACK VAULT
National UFO Reporting Center Database of UFO sightings around the world, founded in NUFORC
Open Minds Articles and Interviews concerning the latest in UFO and extraterrestrial claims. OPEN MINDS
UFO Chronicles Various articles, testimonies, government disclosures and research on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials. UFO CHRONICLES
Canadian Air Force Vital Intelligence Sightings Document A document with 168 pages of reports from 2010 to 2020, obtained through a federal freedom of information request. VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS

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